
مجوهرات النجمات الفاخرة في افتتاح مهرجان كان السينمائي 76

US actress Uma Thurman arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
US actress Uma Thurman arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Carys Zeta-Douglas arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Carys Zeta-Douglas arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
French actress Emmanuelle Beart arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
French actress Emmanuelle Beart arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
Chinese actress Gong Li arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Chinese actress Gong Li arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
US actress Uma Thurman blows kisses as she arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
US actress Uma Thurman blows kisses as she arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
hinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
hinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Italian model and influencer Paola Turani arrives for the screening of the film "Jeanne Du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Italian model and influencer Paola Turani arrives for the screening of the film "Jeanne Du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
US actress Uma Thurman arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Carys Zeta-Douglas arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
French actress Emmanuelle Beart arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
Chinese actress Gong Li arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
US actress Uma Thurman blows kisses as she arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
hinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
Italian model and influencer Paola Turani arrives for the screening of the film "Jeanne Du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
10 صور

كان افتتاح مهرجان كان السينمائي بدروته 76 مميزاً كالمعتاد، وافتتاح مهرجان بهذا الثقل يعني سجادة حمراء بعشرات الممثلات اللاتي انتقين أجمل أطقم الماس والأحجار النفسية، وفي هذا المقال سنأخذك في جولة على اختيارات مجوهرات النجمات لهذا العام من أطقم بأقراط متدلية ومميزةٍ بالتصميم، عقود إستثنائية سيطرت عليها عقود الشوكر، عدا عن الأساور والخواتم!

مجوهرات إيما ثورمان

US actress Uma Thurman arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
US actress Uma Thurman blows kisses as she arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)

بابتسامة ساحرة وإطلالة خلابة، خطفت الممثلة الأميركية إيما ثورمان الأنظار، إذ تألقت بشوكر من خرز الأحجار الكريمة الحمراء والماس، مع أقراط من الياقوت بشكل قلب، نسقته مع أقراط أصغر حجماً بأشكال مختلفة، أما السوار فجاء عريضاً بعدة طبقات من الماس مع سوار رفيع بأحجار الياقوت الحمراء.

وإن كنت من محبات الأحجار الكريمة، فننصحك بالإطلاع على مجوهرات ملكية مرصعة بالياقوت!

مجوهرات نعومي كامبل

British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)
British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)

تألقت عارضة الأزياء البريطانية نعومي كامبل بمجموعة مجوهرات ساحرة مرصعة بالماس، حيث اختارت خاتم كوكتيل بحجر أزرق، خاتم من الماس، وسوارين عريضين مرصعين بالماس أيضاً، عدا عن أقراط ماسية متدلية.

مجوهرات غونغ لي

Chinese actress Gong Li arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)

ظهرت الممثلة الصينية غونغ لي بطقم ألماس ساحر نسقته مع إطلالة سوداء ما زاد من بريقه،الطقم جاء من الألماس وأحجار الزمرد، أما الأقراط فجاءت متدلية من الماس أيضاً.

مجوهرات فان بينغبينغ

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)
hinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)

كذلك زيّن الزمرد إطلالة الممثلة الصينينة فان بينغبينغ حيث اختارت أقراط ضخمة ومتدلية من 3 أجزاء، أحجار كريمة وردية تزين الدبوس، يتدلي منه حجرين من الزمرد بقطع كوشون ساحر، كملّته مع خاتم كوكتيل يتوسطه حجر زمرد بتصميم مماثل.

مجوهرات كاريس زيتا دوغلاس

Carys Zeta-Douglas arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)

لفتت كاريس زيتا دوغلاس الأنظار بحضورها على السجادة الحمراء إلى جانب والديها مايكل دوغلاس وكاثرين زيتا جونز في افتتاح مهرجان كان 76، وقد اختارت مع إطلالتها الناعمة أقراط متدلية مرصعة بالماس.

مجوهرات باولا توراني

British model Naomi Campbell arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Jeanne du Barry" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)

أعجبنا طقم مجوهرات عارضة الأزياء الإيطالية باولا توراني من الذهب الوردي من مجوهرات باسكال بروني، وتألف من تشوكر ساحر بشكل أوراق مصطفة إلى جانب بعضها البعض مع أقراط كبيرة من نفس التصميم.

مجوهرات إيمانويل بيرت

French actress Emmanuelle Beart arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film 'Jeanne du Barry' during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 16, 2023. (Photo by CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)

بإطلالة مختلفة، ظهرت الممثلة الفرنسية إيمانويل بيرت على السجادة الحمراء، متألقة بمجوهرات فاخرة من الذهب والألماس الأصفر، عبارة عن عقد تشوكر بأحجار الألماس وأقراط بتصميم كبير.

وهنا يمكنك إلقاء نظرة خاطفة على عقود ألماس استثنائية رأينها العام الماضي في مهرجان كان 75!